重癥肝炎serious hepatitis
肝硬化hepatic cirrhosis
急、慢性肝功能衰竭acute or chronic liver function failure
基因缺陷所致代謝性疾病Metabolic Diseases caused by genetic flaw
成體胰腺干細胞adult pancreatic stem cells
成體外周血淋巴干細胞adult peripheral blood lymphoid stem cells
中、晚腫瘤 median/terminal tumor
應用于免疫力低下的患者,如肝硬化患者等,可增強機體的免疫力 applying to low immunity patients, such as hepatocirrhosis patients, can improve immunity of the organism
Preoperative tumor treatment can limit the tumor, reduce ischemia during the operation. Postoperation treatment can eliminate the microscopic cancers, prevent the tumor recurrence and migrate.
embryo haemopoietic stem cell, adult peripheral blood haemopoietic stem cell and marrow haemopoietic stem cell.
diseases of the haematopoietic system: leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, aplastic anemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, polycythemia vera, primary thrombocythemia, opathic myelofibrosis, etc.
泌尿系統疾病:各類腎炎、腎衰竭 代謝性疾病:中樞性尿崩癥、慢性腎上腺皮質功能減退癥
renal and urogenital disorder: all manner of nephritis, renal failure.
Metabolic Diseases: Central diabetes insipidus, chronic adrenocortical hypofunction.
Autoimmune diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, sicca syndrome, dermatomyositis, myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis, acquired immunity deficiency syndrome, low immunity, etc.
limb ischemia diseases: such as LEASD, Buerger disease, diabetic foot, ischemic necrosis of femoral head.
Adult mesenchymal Stem Cells and adipose mesenchymal stem cells
cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral embolism, cerebral palsy, Spinal Cord Injury
糖尿病 diabetes
糖尿病足底潰瘍、股骨頭壞死 diabetes ulcer of sole, ANFH
缺血性心臟病、臨床晚期冠心病、心梗后心力衰竭等心肌功能障礙引起的心功能不全cardiac functional insufficiency caused by myocardial dysfunction such as ischemic heart disease, clinical end-stage coronary heart disease, cardiac failure after myocardial infarction
骨折不愈合、燒傷、骨缺損、顱腦手術后遺癥等nonunion, burn, bone defect, sequel of operations on cranium and brain, etc.
造血組織各種病因的發育不全hemopoietic tissue hypoplasia caused by all kinds of pathogen
成體肌肉衛星細胞 adult muscle satellite cells
心肌梗死myocardial infarction
成體皮膚表皮干細胞 adult skin epidermis stem cells
大面積III度燒傷extensive burn level III